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I applied for Fido personal credit in the past, can I apply for a FidoBiz credit now?

Yes, you can. If you’ve used Fido’s personal credit before, and you’re currently in good standing, you are eligible to apply for FidoBiz credit. FidoBiz offers higher credit limits up to GHS 8,000 designed specifically for business owners. 

To qualify for FidoBiz, ensure the following:

  • Outstanding Balances: Pay off any outstanding personal credit balances before applying.
  • Business Ownership: You must own a business and be able to prove ownership.
  • Fido Score: A minimum Fido Score of 277 is required.
  • Good Repayment Record: Maintain a strong repayment history with your Fido personal credit.

Can I Use Both Fido Personal Credit and FidoBiz Credit?

No, you cannot have both a Fido Personal Credit and a FidoBiz Credit account running at the same time.

Fido allows customers to hold only one type of credit account at a time to ensure responsible borrowing and effective credit management. If you currently have an active Fido Personal Credit account and wish to apply for FidoBiz Credit, you will need to fully repay and close your personal credit account before becoming eligible for a Fidobiz credit, and vice versa.


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